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For some reason, Nigeria has, thus far,one of the best records in the world. It has 238 reported cases from which 35 have recovered. And 5 deaths. But all that is about to change.
The number of cases and casualty figures will rise dramatically not necessarily because of the virus but because of an unbelievable carelessness and a self-destructive fixation with China.
At the moment, there appears to be an interregnum in Nigeria but the presidential task force on Covid-19, a mini-government, has announced that 18 medical experts will arrive from China to help it fight a sickness it really doesn’t have. 
By way of stating the obvious,  Wuham Virus or Coronavirus originated from China. Even by its own standards, it admitted that outbreak killed about 3,331 people.
Early on in January, while the world’s media was obsessed with Trump’s impeachment, they aptly and routinely named it the Chinese virus. 
But with help from the Chinese Communist media , China tried to shrug off the stigma and sought and bought a name-  change- Covid -19. For the same public relations reasons, China would announce a “victory” over the virus the moment cases and deaths in America “surpassed” those of China. As if that was the goal in the all along .And very conveniently, too, China, is in the best position to offer advice. Having survived Covid-19, that is.
The truth of the matter is that the real world is not fooled by China. Even at peace times, it is not known for transparency. With Covid-19, journalists and doctors have been known to have died or disappeared. And you can’t help but wonder why Nigeria ,with all its current economic conditions, would tempt fate. Why it is playing with fire. 
The answer is simple but the question is about an absence of leadership. In the wake of the Ebola outbreak in 2014,for instance, Nigeria on it’s own rose up to the occasion and won the battle faster than the WHO predicted and defied everything. It earned the grudging respect of the world as it exported Knowledge.
But today, different people govern the flailing country whose president is never seen.
It is even a crime in Nigeria for foreign donors to practice without the say so of the Medical council of surgeons and dentists. The group is up in arms with the government over the decision to surrender to China.
 “Bringing medical personnel from the hub of the hub of the pandemic will expose Nigeria to further danger “said Rep. Elumelu, who leads opposition lawmakers.
Nigeria’s guesstimated population is between 180 and 200 million and when you spread 18 “experts” across those, it won’t be noticed.
And hence the question: What is the real mission of the Chinese? Hasn’t Nigeria learned any lessons from the Italian and Iranian examples?
What is the health status of the Chinese experts? What happened to the government’s measure that anyone coming from China must be quarantined?
There is still time for the authorities to refrain from this self harm but it must act fast and listen to reason.
By the way, in 2018,China gave Nigeria millions of its useless Yuan as a replacement for the dollar.  It has yet to recover from that misstep.
China knows that Nigeria’s government is one of the most dysfunctional organizations on earth and even in a matter of life and death situation will act more confused.
It is still possible to avert the importation of death from China. It is still possible to get sane and sensible. There is still time to say no to China. And the time is now!.

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